Advanced Pilot Training
Have your private glider pilots license? Our instructors can help you continue your training.
Cross Country Soaring,
earn your Commercial
Pilot rating, or move up to become a Certified Flight Instructor.
Advance your new private pilot knowledge
Now that you have your pilots license you will want to be able to stretch
your wings and fly further. Williams Soaring can help
customize training to fit your individual needs in our advanced fleet of high performance gliders.
- Move up to higher performance gliders.
- SSA Badge flights (A, B, C, & Bronze badges; SIlver & Gold Badges).
- Off field landings
- Cross Country flying.
- Navigation using 'Turnpoints' and GPS instruments.
- High Altitude and Wave flying - use of Oxygen.
- Contest flying.
Commercial Pilot

Pilot Requirements:
- Be at least 18 years old.
- Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language.
- Pass an FAA knowledge test and a practical test.
- Have a minimum of 25 hours as pilot in gliders, including;
- A minimum of 100 flights in gliders as 'pilot in command'; and,
- Have 3 hours of flight training or 10 training flights in gliders;
- Minimum of 2 hours of solo flight to include not less than 10
solo flights; and,
- A minimum of 3 training flights in preparation for the flight
- NOTE: These are FAA minimums, actual number of flights
and flight time varies by pilot (FAR 61.121
- 61.133).
Pilot Add on Requirements:
- 20 glider flights as PIC
- 3 Hours or 10 flights of glider flight training with an instructor
- Pass an FAA practical test. (no written test required for add on)
- NOTE: These are FAA minimums, actual number of flights
and flight time varies by pilot - FAR 61.129 (f)(2).
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CFIG - Certified Flight Instructor Glider
Instructor Requirements:
- Hold a commercial glider pilot certificate.
- Pass FAA Knowledge & Fundamentals of Instruction tests and FAA practical test.
- Must log at least 15 hours as pilot in command of gliders.
- NOTE: These are FAA minimums, actual number of flights
and flight time varies by pilot (FAR 61.181
- 61.199). Williams Soaring Center typically will not recommend an applicant unless they have logged 100 hrs in gliders.
Recommended Flight Training Books and Materials
(Books and Materials are available in our Pilot Supplies Section )
Your instructor will recommend books and materials to help you with your training.
For cross country related training:
- Badge Soaring, The ABC Badges Made Easy .. by Bob Wander
- Badge Soaring, The Bronze Badge Made Easy .. by Bob Wander
- Transition to Single Seat Gliders.. Made Easy .. by Bob Wander
- Off Field Landings .. by Thomas Knauff
- Bob Wander's Glider Mentoring Series, Rising on Air by Rolf Hertenstein
- Bob Wander's Glider Mentoring Series, Cross Country Manual by Dean Carswell
For Commercial and CFI training rating:
- Glider Flying Handbook - FAA (also available online)
- Flight Training Manual for Gliders by Russell Holtz (available from publisher as an e-book)
- Glider Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge by Russell Holtz (available from publisher as an e-book)
- Practical Test Standards for Gliders - FAA (also available online Commercial & CFI)
- Commercial/CFIG Pilot Glider Checkride ... Made Easy by Bob Wander
- Federal Aviation Regulations -
(FAR) (also available online)
- Aeronautical Information Manual - (AIM) (also available online)
- Fundamentals of Instruction - FAA (also available online)
Contact Us
The friendly staff will be happy to answer any
questions you may have.
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